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Booker acquires automated marketing software Frederick

Cloud-based software provider Booker has acquired Frederick, a marketing automation platform that offers a set of features for customer feedback, online reviews and referrals for spas and salons.

Frederick also includes a new, customisable widget that spas can use to instantly display positive reviews on their website.

Founded in 2014, Frederick automatically syncs with a spa’s management system, accessing historical customer and transaction data along with schedule utilisation information. This informs when a business has open appointments on its calendar, so Frederick can promote those openings through targeted, two-way text and email campaigns to the customers it deems are most likely to book.

This type of yield management functionality has been available in the travel industry, and is said to offer a significant improvement over broad email blasts.

Frederick also offers a number of ways for businesses to collect client feedback. First, it automates collecting and posting positive reviews to a spa or salon’s website as well as Yelp, Google and Facebook pages, and provides a feedback loop to owners so they can enhance the customer experience and respond to negative reviews.

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